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Package router

import "tawesoft.co.uk/go/router"

Overview ▾

Package router is a general purpose router of methods (e.g. HTTP "GET") and paths (e.g. "/user/123/profile") to some value e.g. a controller.

Supports named routes, route parameters, constructing a path from a route, pattern submatches, etc.

Although built with HTTP routing in mind, this is a general purpose implementation that can route to any type of value - it is not limited to HTTP handlers.


Demonstrates simple HTTP routing and named routes with a server at localhost:8080


Package Information

License: MIT (see LICENSE.txt)

Stable: candidate

For more information, documentation, source code, examples, support, links, etc. please see https://www.tawesoft.co.uk/go and https://www.tawesoft.co.uk/go/router

type Match

Match is the result of a routing query - may be nil if no match found

type Match struct {
    // Route is the route picked - never nil
    Route *Route

    // Router is the router that was matched on
    Router *Router
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Match) Submatch

func (match Match) Submatch(key string, index int) string

Submatch returns a submatch of a parsed path parameter identified by a Route Key and

For example, you might create a tree of routes such that the path "/user/123.json" captures the path component "123.json" and associates it with a "user-id" route.Key. For a pattern like "(\d+)(\.(\w+))?", the submatches for that key would be ["123.json", "123", ".json", "json"], so index 1 gives "123".

func (Match) Submatches

func (match Match) Submatches() map[string][]string

Submatches returns a non-nil mapping of the route keys => submatches of path parameters.

func (Match) Value

func (match Match) Value(key string) string

Value returns a parsed path parameter identified by a Route Key.

For example, you might create a tree of routes such that the path "/user/123/profile" captures the path component "123" and associates it with a "user-id" route.Key.

func (Match) Values

func (match Match) Values() map[string]string

Values returns a non-nil mapping of the route keys => path parameters

type Route

Route describes a mapping between methods (like HTTP "GET") and path component (like "foo" in "/foo/bar") to a user-supplied handler value.

Each route may contain child routes which map to subsequent path components. For example a route may match "foo" in "/foo/bar", and a child route could match "bar".

A path such as "/user/123/profile" resolves into the components ["", "user", "123", "profile"]. A path such as "/user/123/profile/" resolves into the components ["", "user", "123", "profile", ""]. As such, the root Route and folder-index Routes will normally be configured to match the empty string "".

A route can be Final, in which case it matches all remaining path components at once.

type Route struct {
    // Name (optional) is a way of uniquely identifying a specific route. The
    // name must be unique to the whole router tree.
    Name string

    // Key (optional) is a way of uniquely identifying a path parameter (e.g.
    // the path "/user/123/profile" might have a parameter for the user ID).
    // This key is used to query the value of the path parameter by name in a
    // Match result.
    // All keys must be unique to a route and its parents, but does not have to
    // be unique across the entire router tree.
    Key string

    // Pattern (optional) is a way of matching against a path component. This
    // may be a literal string e.g. "user", or or a compiled regular expression
    // (https://golang.org/pkg/regexp/) such as regexp.MustCompile(`$\d{1,5}^`)
    // (this matches one to five ASCII digits).
    // Note that the regexp implementation provided by regexp is guaranteed to
    // run in time linear in the size of the input so it is generally not
    // essential to limit the length of the path component. Path components are
    // limited to 255 characters regardless.
    // If the pattern is nil or an empty string, the route matches an empty
    // path component. This is useful for the root node, or index pages for
    // folders.
    // As a special case, the string "*" matches everything. This is useful for
    // a per-directory catch-all.
    // Patterns are matched in the following order first, then in order of
    // sequence defined:
    // 1 Empty path (Pattern is nil or empty string; Final has no effect)
    // 2 Final Exact matches (Pattern is string and Final is true)
    // 3 Exact matches (Pattern is string and Final is false)
    // 4 Final Regex matches (Pattern is Regexp and Final is true)
    // 5 Regex matches (Pattern is Regexp and Final is false)
    // 6 Wildcard (string "*" and Final is false)
    // 7 Final Wildcard (string "*" and Final is true)
    Pattern interface{}

    // Methods (optional) is a comma-separated string of methods or verbs
    // accepted by the route e.g. HTTP "GET, POST". If left empty, implies
    // only the Router's DefaultMethods.
    // Note that "OPTIONS" is not handled automatically - this is up to you.
    Methods string

    // Handler (optional) is the caller-supplied information attached to a
    // route e.g. a HTTP Handler or any custom value.
    // It is up to the caller to do something with the resulting Handler -
    // nothing is called automatically for you.
    Handler interface{}

    // Children (optional) are any child Routes for subsequent path components.
    // For example, the path "/foo/bar" decomposes into the path components
    // ["", "foo", "bar"], and can be matched by a route with pattern "",
    // child route with pattern "foo", and grandchild route "bar".
    Children []Route

    // Final (optional; default false), if true, indicates that the pattern
    // should be matched against the entire remaining path, not just the
    // current path component.
    // For example, a Route might have a pattern to accept arbitrary
    // files in subdirectories, like "static/assets/foo.png". It would be
    // Final with a Pattern value of something like
    // regexp.MustCompile(`(\w+/)*\w+\.\w`)
    Final bool

type Router

Router is a general purpose router of a method or verb (like HTTP "GET") and path (like "/foo/bar") to a tree of Route objects.

type Router struct {
    // DefaultMethods is the comma-separated list of methods to use if a route
    // has none specified e.g. HTTP "GET, POST".
    // router.New() sets this to only "GET" by default.
    DefaultMethods string
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New(root Route) (*Router, error)

Creates a new router with DefaultMethods set to GET

func (*Router) Format

func (router *Router) Format(route *Route, args ...string) (string, error)

Format creates a URL for a route - the opposite of routing. Any regexp.Regexp patterns are replaced using each arg in sequence.

WARNING: The return value from this function may be controlled by the User Agent. Escape it as necessary.

func (*Router) FormatMap

func (router *Router) FormatMap(route *Route, mapping map[string]string) (string, error)

Format creates a URL for a route - the opposite of routing. Any regexp.Regexp patterns are replaced using each the route Key to lookup a value in the the mapping argument. Pass in Match Values() to have this automatically filled based on the parsed request.

WARNING: The return value from this function may be controlled by the User Agent. Escape it as necessary.

func (*Router) Match

func (router *Router) Match(method string, path string) *Match

Match attempts to match a method (e.g. a HTTP method like "GET") and path (e.g. "/foo/bar") to a route in a router's tree of routes. In the event that there is no match, returns nil.

func (*Router) MatchHttpRequest

func (router *Router) MatchHttpRequest(r *http.Request) *Match

Matches a HTTP request to a route. See Match

func (*Router) MustFormat

func (router *Router) MustFormat(route *Route, args ...string) string

MustFormat is like Format, but panics on error.

func (*Router) MustFormatMap

func (router *Router) MustFormatMap(route *Route, mapping map[string]string) string

MustFormatMap is like FormatMap, but panics on error.

func (*Router) MustNamed

func (router *Router) MustNamed(name string) *Route

MustNamed is like Named, but panics if not found.

func (*Router) Named

func (router *Router) Named(name string) *Route

Named returns a named Route where `name == route.Name`. Nil if not found.

func (*Router) Parent

func (router *Router) Parent(route *Route) *Route

Parent returns the parent Route of a Route in the router's tree of Routes. May be nil (i.e. at the root).


Name Synopsis
submatches Demonstrates HTTP routing with "submatch" patterns in a path component with a server at localhost:8080